Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I don't call myself a "religious" person - just about anyone can say they're "religious", and it can mean they've been to church before, have donated to a church or charity, or have said a prayer in times of desperation.
Being a Christian means having a relationship with the Lord; knowing him, spending time with him, and letting him live through us daily.
James 1: 26 - 27 finishes the first chapter of this book and it says,
"If anyone considers himself religious and does not keep a tight reign on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and fautless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world".
Jesus walked and lived on this earth - a perfect and sinless life. He had constant communion with God our Father, and that was evident in every day of his life, and in every relationship in his life. He was in the world, but wasn't polluted by the world or it's systems.
Our world is highly polluted these days, and I'm not talking about air pollution, landillfs that are overflowing, although those things do exist. I'm talking about its morals, its "snubbing its nose at God", the lack of discipline and consequences for wrong actions.
We all as Americans need to listen and pay close attention to what those who are running for political offices are saying, and look at their track records - not just on the national scene, but in our state and local areas as well. What kind of people are we letting make our laws and enforce them? What are we allowing to be done or not done, according to the laws that we have or have not voted on?
TAKE ACTION! Stand up for what is right, and go about as Jesus did - trusting in God, loving and seeing others through the eyes of God, and staying clean from the world's ways.
Yep, you might get taunted and ridiculed, you might be ostracized from your group of friends, but in the end, wouldn't you rather be right and holy in the eyes of God, and hear him say, "Well done, good and faithful servant".

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