Wednesday, November 5, 2008

God is Still on the Throne

Needless to say, I'm disappointed in the choice our country has made for the high office of President. Am I surprised? Hardly.
I compare the speeches of Barack Obama to that of a preacher who stands in the pulpit and gives sermons that tickle the ears of those in the congregation in order to keep his pews full - he tells them what they want to hear, and they continue to go back each week, to hear the message that is soft and brings no conviction of sin.
So it is with the multitudes who hang onto every word that this man has uttered in his smoothe speech.
I choose to hang onto the Word of God, and the power behind his Word to bring about his will, and the one thing I have to keep reminding myself is this: God has always been, is, and always will be on the throne and is in total control of all things. He allows circumstances to occur in order for His will and His purpose to be carried out.
We can't see the whole picture as he does, and have to take comfort in the Truth - that He alone is God, and He alone is making circumstances fall into line all across the world, so His perfect and complete will is to be done.
There are many stories all throughout the Bible of people who have been in the roles of leaders, who were not men who sought God or his wisdom; men who were evil in their ways towards those who were believers. In all these situations, God protected and brought his people out. Sometimes his judgments fell on them, as we've seen in Jeremiah, because they chose to follow after ungodly things instead of the One True God.
Do I think our country is headed in that direction? Yes I do. Do I fear what could possibly happen? Not at all. I know that no matter what events might happen during Obama's term as President; no matter what judgments our country may face for their decisions to put into office those who don't value the laws or Word of God as the source of all wisdom and direction - I know that my Dear Father in Heaven watches over me, and everyone else who has chosen to follow Him as Lord.
If you are disheartened today, I leave you with this message of True HOPE -
Philippians 4: 6 "Don't be anxious, worried or fearful about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus".

1 comment:

Cookie said...

Squirt, I have to say that my hope lies in God's promises and not in words of any man - be he republican, democrat, friend or foe.
But I do understand and agree 110% that God uses men, both good and evil to accomplish His Will and I rest in that.
As well, He commands us to respect and honor the postion and the man holding that position (unless what is said and done goes directly against His Word) so until I see otherwise, I'm holding out hope and prayer that this is more evidence that, indeed all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. ♥