Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tragic Events in Our Country

My prayers today are with all those who are or have been in the path of Hurricane Ike.
Living in Florida for most of my life, we learn at an early age that one needs to always be prepared for tropical storms and hurricanes, and I've seen quite a few in my lifetime, but never have I seen such strong storms as we've seen in the last few years. How can one prepare for such a storm as this?
Some attribute things such as Ike to 'global warming', but it makes me think to the prophecies that Jesus told us about how things would get like towards what we call, "The End of the Age". Not only did he tell us that war and rumors of war would increase, but he also mentioned that weather patterns and the affects of them, would reak havoc, and would come with more and more intensity on a more frequent basis.

Then we hear while Ike is going on, that a commuter train in Los Angeles is hit head on by a freight train near a tunnel up by Chatsworth, killing 17 so far. The freight train "telescoped" into the commuter - meaning it went up inside of the oncoming train.
How tragic for those looking forward and waiting for their loved ones to come home as usual on a Friday afternoon.

We all have heard and are familiar with the saying, "you're never guaranteed tomorrow", and it's evident by the photos here. It's imperative that we make sure our loved ones know how much we love them - that we not only tell them, but show them our love. You never know if you are going to be impacted by sudden tragedy.

Make the most of each day - take time for God, and take time with your friends and loved ones...


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