Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I'm going to wait until the holidays are over to continue in my study of Jeremiah - with all that's going on, it's too hard to focus like I want to, in order to study and share God's word without disruption.
I will however, put other verses that the Lord lays on my heart, on here daily.
Today I want to share from Proverbs 16: 3 - "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed".
Proverbs is a book that is full of wisdom for daily living, and today's verse can be applied in every area of your life - work, home, relationships - if the Lord is put first in those areas, he will make them successful.
Have a blessed day - pray for our troops, enjoy this time of Christmas joy, and as the old saying goes - "don't sweat the little things"....take time to enjoy every moment that the Lord gives you. I've learned that it's the little things that make the best memories!


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